
Feked Classic Bike Parts
The Old Racing Stables, Nine Yews, Cranborne, Dorset BH21 5PW, UK


Useful & Interesting


Air & Mag

£15.95 (£19.14 inc VAT)
OEM: 12/171, 12/569, 12/609, 66-8810
Magneto or Air/Choke Lever - Left Hand For 7/8" Handlebars - Ball End Type Left handed chrome plated magneto lever as used on many British bikes - BSA,...

£15.95 (£19.14 inc VAT)
OEM: 12/556, 12/161, 12/608, 66-8896, 60-3567, 60-3991, 60-4521, 60-3246
Air/Choke or Magneto Lever - Right Hand For 7/8" Handlebars - Flat End Right handed chrome plated air/choke lever as used on many British bikes - BSA,...

£15.95 (£19.14 inc VAT)
OEM: 12/171, 12/569, 12/609, 66-8810
Magneto or Air/Choke Lever - Left Hand For 7/8" Handlebars - Flat End Type Left handed chrome plated magneto lever as used on many British bikes - BSA,...

£15.95 (£19.14 inc VAT)
OEM: 12/613, 12/160, 12/162, 12/173
Magneto Lever or Air/Choke - Left Hand For 1" Handlebars - Flat End - Pre Unit Triumph Left handed chrome plated magneto lever as used on many pre-unit...

£15.95 (£19.14 inc VAT)
OEM: 12/614, 12/578, 12/163
Air/Choke or Magneto Lever - Right Hand For 1" Handlebars - Flat End - Pre Unit Triumph Right handed chrome plated air/choke lever as used on many...

£31.95 (£38.34 inc VAT)
OEM: 100
Genuine Doherty Air Choke or Magneto Lever RH - 7/8" Bars - 100 Type - Short Lever Chrome plated - right hand fit - flat end type. OEM:  12/556,...

£34.95 (£41.94 inc VAT)
OEM: 100, 12/569
Genuine Doherty Air/Magneto Lever LH - 7/8" Bars - 100 Type - Long Lever Air/Magneto Lever to fit 7/8" handlebars - LH fit OEM: 100, 12/569 This is a...

£29.95 (£35.94 inc VAT)
Air and Magneto Lever 7/8" Pair These are Premium Quality Chromed levers. One for the Magneto, and one for Choke, or Air, or Throttle

£55.95 (£67.14 inc VAT)
Dual Magneto/Air Lever 7/8" Right Hand - Ball end - Premium Quality New manufacture in premium quality of this famous Dual Lever. Very good finish, using...

£31.95 (£38.34 inc VAT)
OEM: 100
Genuine Doherty Air/Magneto Lever LH - 7/8" Bars - 100 Type - Short Lever Air/Magneto Lever to fit 7/8" handlebars - LH fit OEM: 100 This is a Genuine...

£34.95 (£41.94 inc VAT)
OEM: 100
Genuine Doherty Air/Magneto Lever RH - 7/8" Bars - 100 Type - Long Lever Air/Magneto Lever to fit 7/8" handlebars - RH fit OEM: 100, 12/569 This is a...

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