Feked Classic Bike Parts
The Old Racing Stables, Nine Yews, Cranborne, Dorset BH21 5PW, UK
Triumph Sprag Clutch Bearing - Electric Start T140, TSS and TSX Models
Electric start sprag clutch bearing as used on 750cc twins with a starter motor system.
Please note:
The illustration in most parts manuals is incorrectly drawn - see additional photos regarding fitting.
The lip of the sprag bearing must be on the top - facing outward when fitted in the camwheel.
No warranty is given on this part unless both the camwheel assembly 71-7618 + the intermediate gear 71-7619 are also replaced at the same time as fitting - please see related products.
OEM: 60-7291
Made in England
Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information about this product.
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